Produse de cofetărie şi ciocolată

Datorită unui know-how şi unei experienţe vaste, Chiorino oferă o gamă completă de benzi alimentare HACCP de înaltă performanţă pentru întreaga linie de producţie a produselor de cofetărie de înaltă calitate. Benzile transportoare CHIORINO sunt ideale pentru prelucrarea oricărui tip de ciocolată, dulciuri, bomboane, gumă de mestecat, caramele, bezele. Oferta Chiorino include benzi transportoare pentru tuneluri de răcire, maşini-unelte de întindere, maşini rotative de tăiat, malaxoare rotative, cilindri calibratori, încărcarea şi descărcarea cuptoarelor, etc.


HYPERCLEAN High release food belts

HYPERCLEAN High release food belts

VEGAN V-Label certified conveyor belts

VEGAN V-Label certified conveyor belts

FXD™ X-Ray & Metal detectable food belts

FXD™ X-Ray & Metal detectable food belts

HP® AM AntiMicrobial food belts

HP® AM AntiMicrobial food belts

Food - DET™ line - Detectable products

Food - DET™ line - Detectable products

Food - HP Compact Drive® Antimicrobial Homogeneous belts

Food - HP Compact Drive® Antimicrobial Homogeneous belts

HP COMPACT MINI DRIVE Homogeneous Belts for Mini Pitch

HP COMPACT MINI DRIVE Homogeneous Belts for Mini Pitch

Food - HP Compact Drive® Technical Manual

Food - HP Compact Drive® Technical Manual

Food - Bakery - HACCP Conveyor and process belts

Food - Bakery - HACCP Conveyor and process belts

Food - Confectionery - HACCP Conveyor and process belts

Food - Confectionery - HACCP Conveyor and process belts

Food - Glossy Surface belt 2M6 U0-U2 GS W

Food - Glossy Surface belt 2M6 U0-U2 GS W

Food - Dehesive belts - HACCP Conveyor and process belts

Food - Dehesive belts - HACCP Conveyor and process belts

Food - HACCP Conveyor and Process belts HP® 10 Plus

Food - HACCP Conveyor and Process belts HP® 10 Plus

Packaging - Vertical form fill-seal - Food Grade Seamless belts

Packaging - Vertical form fill-seal - Food Grade Seamless belts

Packaging - Vertical form fill-seal - MF™ Seamless belts

Packaging - Vertical form fill-seal - MF™ Seamless belts

