Chiorino Group's service.
Always and everywhere.
Chiorino SpA Headquarter
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Fax: {{ branch.fax }}
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Chiorino Spa Headquarter
via S. Agata
13900 Biella - Italy
Tel: +39 015 8489.1
Fax: +39 015 8489161
Biella North
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Personal data handling policy in compliance with EU Regulation regarding the protection of personal data, 2016/679 of 27th April 2016
According to articles. 13 and 14 of the EU 2016/679 Regulation regarding handling of personal data, we inform you that Chiorino S.p.A. (responsible for handling) will handle your personal data for statistical purposes or in order to respond to information requests. The data will be kept and protected by Chiorino with recourse to suitable security measures, for a maximum period of 5 years which once transpired will then be cancelled. The data will not be disseminated, nor communicated or broadcast to other parties. Further details can be found on the expanded personal data handling policy.