Cinghie dentate
Chiorino’s timing belts are characterized by a synchronous drive required in applications where the performance depends on the product and component positioning, such as packaging, paper and printing and raw materials industry.
Synchronization is achieved by meshing the belt teeth into a matching pulley which increases the overall operating efficiency, eliminating slippage and minimizing maintenance operations. To complete the belting solution, standard and special pulleys are available on demand.
Chiorino manufactures a wide range of timing belts, flex endless or open-end, in polyurethane or rubber, with vulcanized or glued covers, offering different advantages according to the application they have to be applied.
Special ground finish or holes are available upon request.

Chiorino’s timing belts offer an extensive variety of textures, whose properties allow to reach outstanding performance according to the conveyed product, the application and the production environment
Thanks to a continuous research and development on raw materials, chemical combinations and state-of-the-art technologies, Chiorino manufactures a great variety of timing belts and related accessories, thus reaching a significant diversification in products and applications.
Chiorino’s timing belts are certified to offer total safety and risk minimization, in compliance with the strictest European and international regulations, safeguarding customers’ operations as well as consumers’ health.